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Design for Lean Six Sigma : A Holistic Approach to Design and Innovation

Autor(es): Rajesh Jugulum; Philip Samuel
Editor: Wiley
Edição: 1
Ano de publicação: 2008
Idioma: eng
ISBN: 9780470631720
Numero de páginas: 320
Disponibilidade e condições:
grupodisponibilidadereservasduração da licença
geral 3 / 3 0 5 dia(s)

Design for Lean Six Sigmais the only book that employs a "road-map" approach to DFSS, which allows corporate management to understand where they are in the process and to integrate DFSS methodology more fully into their overall business strategy. This is a similar approach to that used by Forrest Breyfogle in his successful book: "Implementing Six Sigma, 2E". This approach will allow corporate management to understand where they are in the process and to integrate DFSS methodology more fully into the overall business strategy. Another important aspect of this book is its coverage of DFSS implementation in a broad range of industries including service and manufacturing, plus the use of actual cases throughout.



1. Introduction.

1.1 The Goal.

1.2 Robust DFSS -The State of the Art.

1.3 Approach.

1.4 Guide to this book.

2. Driving Growth through Innovation.

2.1 Delivering On the Promise.

2.2 Creating Better Promise.

2.3 Ambidextrous Organization.

2.4 Platforms for Growth.

2.5 Innovation and Design.

2.5.1 Managing the Paradox of Preservation and Evolution.

2.6 Conclusions.

3. Process for Systematic Innovation.

3.1 Balanced Innovation Portfolio.

3.2 Effective Teams for Collaboration.

3.3 Execution Process for Innovation Projects.

3.4 Techniques and Tools.

3.5 Climate for Innovation.

4. Lean Six Sigma Essentials.

4.1 Origins of Six Sigma.

4.2 Six Sigma Approach.

4.2.1 Variation is the Enemy!

4.3 Origins of Lean.

4.3.1 Waste is the Enemy!.

4.4 Lean Six Sigma: Faster, Better and Cheaper.

5. Deploying Design for Lean Six Sigma (DFLSS).

5.1 Deploying DFLSS.

6. Capturing the Voice of the Customer.

6.1 Defining Elements of Customer-Producer Relationship.

6.2 Customer Expectations.

6.3 Methods of Collecting Customer Expectations.

6.4 Research Ethics.

7. Design Axioms and Their Usefulness in DFLSS.

7.1 Design Axioms.

7.2 Domain Thinking.

7.3 Design of a Software System.

7.3.1 Designing MTS software.

7.4 Design of a system that will market sporting goods.

7.5 Design of a fan belt/pulley system.

7.6 Use of Design Principles in an Academic Department.

7.6.1 Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT.

7.6.2 FR-DP Identification.

7.6.3 Actions Taken.

7.7 Design of a University System That Will Teach Students Only Through Internet.

8. Implementing Lean Design.

8.1 Key Principle of Lean Design.

8.2 Strategies for Maximizing Value And Minimizing Costs And Harm8.3 Modular Designs.

8.4 Value Engineering.

8.5 3P Approach.

9. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ).

9.1Introduction to TRIZ.

9.2 TRIZ Journey.

9.2 1 TRIZ Roadmap.

9.2.2 Ideality Equation.

9.2.3 Itself method.

9.2.4 TRIZ analysis tools.

9.2.5 TRIZ database tools.

9.3 Case Examples of TRIZ.

9.3.1 Improving Process of Fluorination.

9.3.2 CMM support problem.

9.4 Robustness through inventions.

9.4.1 What is a Robustness Invention.

9.4.2 Research Methodology.

9.4.3 Results of the Patent Search.

9.4.4 Robust Invention Classification Scheme.

9.4.5 Signal Based Robust Invention.

9.4.6 Response Based Robust Invention.

9.5.7 Noise Factor Based Robust Invention.

9.4.8 Control Factor Based Robust Invention.

10. Design for Robustness.

10.1Engineering Quality.

10.1.1 Evaluation of the Function Using Energy Transformation.

10.1.2 Studying the interactions between Control and Noise Factors.

10.1.3 Use Of Orthogonal Arrays (Oas) and Signal-To-Noise Ratios To Improve Robustness.

10.1.4 Two-Step Optimization.

10.1.5 Tolerance Design using Quality Loss Function.

10.2 Additional topics in designing for robustness.

10.2.1 Parameter Diagram (P-diagram).

10.2.2. Design of Experiments.

10.2.3 Signal to Noise (S/N) Ratios.

10.3 Role of Simulations in Design for Robustness.

10.4 Example - Circuit stability design.

10.4.1 Control Factors and Noise Factors.

10.4.2 Parameter Design.

10.5 PCB Drilled Hole Quality Improvement.

10.5.1 Introduction.

10.5.2 Drilled Hole quality characteristics.

10.5.3 Background.

10.5.4 Experiment Description.

10.5.5 Designing the experiment.

10.5.6 Benefits.

10.6 PCB Design of A Valve-Less Micropump Using Taguchi Methods.

10.6.1 Introduction.

10.6.2 Working Principle and Finite Element Modeling.

10.6.3 Design for Robustness.

10.6.4 Conclusions.

11. Robust System Testing.

11. 1 Introduction.

11.1.1 A Typical System Used in Testing.

11.2 Method of Software Testing.

11.2.1 Study of two-factor combinations.

11.2.2 Construction of Combination Tables.

11.3 MTS software testing.

11.4 Case Study.

11.5 Conclusions.

12. Development of Multivariate Measurement System Using the Mahalanobis Taguchi Strategy.

12.1 What is Mahalanobis-Taguchi Strategy?

12.2 Stages in MTS.

12.3 Signal-to-Noise Ratio - Measure of Prediction Accuracy.

12.3.1 Types of S/N Ratios in MTS.

12.4 Medical Case Study.

12.5 Case Example 2: Auto Marketing Case Study.

12.6 Case Study 3: Improving Client Experience.

12.7 Improvement of the Utility Rate of Nitrogen While Brewing Soy Sauce.

12.8 Application of MTS For Measuring Oil In Water Emulsion.

12.8.1 Introduction.

12.8.2 Application of MTS.

12.9 Prediction of Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) From Repetitive Annual.

Health Check-Up Data.

12.9.1 Introduction.

12.9.2 Diabetes Mellitus.

12.9.3 Application of MTS.


Appendix A. Some Useful Orthogonal Arrays.

Appendix B. Equations for Signal-to-Noise (S/N) Ratios.

Appendix C. Related Topics of Matrix Theory.

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